Confirmed: 11 December 2023
Project EDWARD will be hosting a reception for parliamentarians and stakeholders who support its work in December 2023.
The reception, sponsored by Barry Sheerman MP and jointly organised with the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety, will provide MPs with the opportunity to meet our partners and sponsors, and to understand more about how Project EDWARD is raising awareness of road safety issues across the country, and promoting good practice in dealing with those issues in line with the Safe System.
The reception takes place on the eve of this year’s Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards ceremony. At the reception, we will be joined by some of the winners and other international guests. This will be an opportunity for politicians and policymakers to meet to develop a broader understanding of good practices in road safety from around the world.
There will be an Awards ceremony in recognition of achievement and support for a number of individuals who have made a significant contribution towards saving lives on the roads.
Speakers will include: Subject to change
- Guy Opperman MP, Minister for Roads (Confirmed)
- Jo Shiner, Chief Constable Sussex Police & NPCC lead for Roads Policing
- Lisa Townsend, Police Crime Commissioner for Surrey & National Lead on Road Safety for APCC
- Sheena Hague, Director of Road Safety, National Highways
- Barry Sheerman MP, Sponsor of Project EDWARD Parliamentary Reception
Hosted by Project EDWARD in association with
Barry Sheerman MP, sponsor of the Project EDWARD parliamentary reception