Project EDWARD is an immense year-round commitment with road trip expenses, video production, PR and social media activities. Each year, a large number of companies partner with Project EDWARD to help us with financial support and/or services and resources.

All our partners share the Project EDWARD values and each has their own commitment to trying to improve road safety.

If you would like to support us, please get in touch to discuss partnership opportunities.

Interested in being a Project EDWARD partner?

    National Highways

    Jeremy Phillips, Head of Road User Safety at National Highways talks to James Luckhurst, the founder of Project EDWARD about:

    • What safety means to National Highways
    • The importance of road user compliance
    • His thoughts on high-risk driving and offending
    • Why National Highways is supporting Project EDWARD

    Westcotec is the leading brand in traffic safety systems in the UK and we’ve supported Project EDWARD for the last six years. This year’s theme is ‘Changing Minds, Changing Behaviour’ which is exactly what our products are designed to do. It’s our belief that Project EDWARD is one of the most influential and Effective campaigns in delivering the road safety message currently active in the UK. We’ll be attending a number of events during the week so we’ll be looking forward to seeing our fellow supporters as EDWARD progresses.


    GEM Motoring Assist is a members’ motoring and road safety organisation based in the UK. Established in 1932 our founders set us a very clear mission to help keep everyone safe on the roads. This founding mission remains at the heart of everything we do including our breakdown recovery service.


    Webfleet is pleased to be the leading telematics technology partner for Project Edward. Webfleet’s technology helps to keep over 60,000 businesses and their drivers safe, 365 days a year. For over 20 years Webfleet has been empowering managers and drivers to help them optimise safety and return home incident free.

    Jenoptik UK is part of the Smart Mobility Solutions division of Jenoptik, a globally operating technology group with a presence in more than 80 countries. Our solutions are all based on automatic number plate recognition technology (ANPR), covering a diverse range of real world applications for the Traffic Law Enforcement and Civil Security markets. Jenoptik’s Smart Mobility Solutions division is a world-leading supplier, with products and services constantly evolving to help make roads, journeys and communities safer around the globe.

    The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is a voluntary accreditation scheme for fleet operators. FORS aims to drive up standards within fleet operations and demonstrate which operators are achieving exemplary levels of best practice in safety, efficiency and environmental protection.