The theme for Project EDWARD in 2022 is changing minds, changing behaviour. We will be focused on how to get road users to think differently about their trip and what a safe trip looks like.

• Am I prepared for the journey?
• Is my vehicle roadworthy?
• Do I understand my vehicle’s safety features?
• Am I fit to drive?
• Am I up to date with changes in legislation?
• Am I driving safely?
• Am I travelling on the safest route?

Week of Action – Road Trip
The Project EDWARD week of action will take place from Monday 19th September to Sunday 25th September and be our most ambitious yet.

The three legs of the road trip will criss-cross the country from Monday to Friday visiting the very best examples of road safety projects. Along the way, some of the most influential thought leaders in road safety will be invited to come along for the ride and join the team ‘on the road’ to share their insights and experience. In addition to the road trip stops, contributions will be coming in daily from all four corners of the United Kingdom as we feature projects from England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Parliamentary Reception
A parliamentary reception will be held in the Palace of Westminster on Wednesday 21st September for sponsors, partners, contributors and stakeholders.

New for 2022 – Motorcycle Focus
This year, we will be extending the road trip to a full seven days. As we head into the weekend of the 24th and 25th September, Project EDWARD will be featuring events focused on engaging motorcyclists including sports bikers, tourers, commuters and those engaged in the gig economy. Additionally, motorcycle-related content will also feature during the weekday activity.